List of the new analysis rules in version

These are the new rules added in the analysis template of SQL Enlight

  1. SA0060 : The sp_xml_preparedocument procedure call is not paired with a following sp_xml_removedocument call.
  2. SA0061A : Check all Tables in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  3. SA0061B : Check table names used in CREATE TABLE statements for table name following specified naming convention.(Batch)
  4. SA0062A : Check all Functions in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  5. SA0062B : Check function names used in CREATE FUNCTION statements for following specified naming convention. (Batch)
  6. SA0063A : Check all Views in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  7. SA0063B : Check view names used in CREATE VIEW statements for following specified naming convention. (Batch)
  8. SA0064A : Check all Stored Procedures in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  9. SA0064B : Check stored procedure names used in CREATE PROCEDURE statements for following specified naming convention. (Batch)
  10. SA0065A : Check all Triggers for for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  11. SA0065B : Check trigger names used in CREATE TRIGGER statements for for following specified naming convention. (Batch)
  12. SA0066A : Check all Columns for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  13. SA0067A : Check all Unique Key Constraints in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  14. SA0068A : Check all Check Constraints in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  15. SA0069A : Check all Default Constraints in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  16. SA0070A : Check all Primary Key Constraints in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  17. SA0071A : Check all Foreign Key Constraints in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  18. SA0072A : Check all Non-Key Indexes in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  19. SA0073A : Check all User-Defined Types in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  20. SA0074A : Check all Schemas in the current database for following specified naming convention.(Context Only)
  21. SA0075 : Avoid constraints created with system generated name.
  22. SA0076 : Check UPDATE and DELETE statements for not filtering using all the PRIMAR KEY columns of the target table.
  23. SA0077 : Avoid executing dynamic code using EXECUTE statement.
  24. SA0078 : Statement is not terminated with semicolon.
  25. SA0079 : Avoid using column numbers in ORDER BY clause.
  26. SA0080 : Do not use VARCHAR or NVARCHAR data types without specifying length.
  27. SA0081 : Do not use DECIMAL or NUMERIC data types without specifying precision and scale.
  28. SA0082 : Consider prefixing column names with table name or table alias.
  29. SA0085 : Check database objects for missing specific extended properties.
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