This is an example of creating a custom analysis rule with SQL Enlight that checks T-SQL code for CREATE TABLE statements that do not have a required column in the table definition.
In our example, the required column will be CreationDate and these are the steps for creating the rule:
- Open SQL Server Management Studio
- Prepare a new script or find an existing script that represents the expected code and one that violates the rule. In our case, we have two tables – table1 created with the CreationDate column and table2 created without the required column.
- Select the CreationDate from the first table and use the editor’s context menu to select SQL Enlight -> Create Simple Analysis rule menu item.
- The analysis rule designer is opened with a test script and a match expression preset to the XPath expression matching the CreatoinDate column.
- Go to the Properties tab and set the rule name, message, and description fields.
- Go to Match Expression, make sure that the CreationDate column is selected, and click the Add Expression button.
- The initial match expression matches the CreationDate column inside CREATE TABLE statements:
$batch-statements[sqml:is('CreateTable', .)]
[@name = 'CreationDate'][sqml:is('Column', .)][pr:datatype[@name = 'datetime']][k:not/k:null]
The expression has to be adjusted to fulfill the rule requirements:
- Match the table name instead of the CreationDate column:
$batch-statements[sqml:is('CreateTable', .)]
[ g:brackets/g:commalist/i:common [@name = 'CreationDate'][sqml:is('Column', .)][pr:datatype[@name = 'datetime']][k:not/k:null] ]/*[self::i:* or self::pu:dot]
- Inverse the check of the existence of a CreationDate column and match CREATE TABLE statements that do not have such a column:
$batch-statements[sqml:is('CreateTable', .)]
[ g:brackets/g:commalist
[ not( i:common[@name = 'CreationDate'][sqml:is('Column', .)][pr:datatype[@name = 'datetime']][k:not/k:null] )]
]/*[self::i:* or self::pu:dot]
- Update the Match custom message to reflect the current analysis rule.
- Match the table name instead of the CreationDate column:
- Test the rule expression and verify that the expected table is reported by the rule
- Saving the created analysis rule will make it available in the current analysis rule template.