SA0035 : TODO,HACK or UNDONE phrase found in a comment

The topic describes the SA0035 analysis rule.


TODO,HACK or UNDONE phrase found in a comment


This rule checks comments for one of TODO,HACK and UNDONE phrases.

How to fix

Review the comments, and the commented code, and consider completing the unfinished tasks.


The rule has a Batch scope and is applied only on the SQL script.

Name Description Default Value

A comma separated list of tokens, which to be matched in comments and reported.



The rule does not need Analysis Context or SQL Connection.

Effort To Fix
1 hour per issue.

Design Rules, Bugs

Additional Information

There is no additional info for this rule.

Example Test SQL
 1CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetWhereUsedProductID]
 2  @StartProductID  [int]
 3, @CheckDate  [datetime]
 6    SET  nocount ON;
 7    -- TODO : Validate parameters and check @CheckDate is not null.        
 9    WITH  [BOM_cte](  [ProductAssemblyID]
10                    , [ComponentID]
11                    , [ComponentDesc]
12                    , [PerAssemblyQty]
13                    , [StandardCost]
14                    , [ListPrice]
15                    , [BOMLevel]
16                    , [RecursionLevel]) -- CTE name and columns
17        AS (SELECT    
18                        b.[ProductAssemblyID]
19                      , b.[ComponentID]
20                      , p.[Name]
21                      , b.[PerAssemblyQty]
22                      , p.[StandardCost]
23                      , p.[ListPrice]
24                      , b.[BOMLevel]
25                      , 0 -- Get the initial list of components for the bike assembly ( HACK test )
27            FROM      
28                        [Production].[BillOfMaterials] b
29            INNER JOIN  [Production].[Product] p
30            ON          b.[ProductAssemblyID]=p.[ProductID]
31            WHERE   
32                        b.[ComponentID]=@StartProductID
33                    AND @CheckDate>=b.[StartDate]
34                    AND @CheckDate<=ISNULL(  b.[EndDate]
35                                           , @CheckDate)
36            UNION ALL
37            SELECT    
38                        b.[ProductAssemblyID]
39                      , b.[ComponentID]
40                      , p.[Name]
41                      , b.[PerAssemblyQty]
42                      , p.[StandardCost]
43                      , p.[ListPrice]
44                      , b.[BOMLevel]
45                      , [RecursionLevel]+1 -- Join recursive member to anchor
47            FROM      
48                        [BOM_cte] cte
49            INNER JOIN  [Production].[BillOfMaterials] b
50            ON          cte.[ProductAssemblyID]=b.[ComponentID]
51            INNER JOIN  [Production].[Product] p
52            ON          b.[ProductAssemblyID]=p.[ProductID]
53            WHERE   
54                        @CheckDate>=b.[StartDate]
55                    AND @CheckDate<=ISNULL(  b.[EndDate]
56                                           , @CheckDate))
57    SELECT    
58                b.[ProductAssemblyID]
59              , b.[ComponentID]
60              , b.[ComponentDesc]
61              , sum(b.[PerAssemblyQty]) AS [TotalQuantity]
62              , b.[StandardCost]
63              , b.[ListPrice]
64              , b.[BOMLevel]
65              , b.[RecursionLevel]
66    FROM      
67                [BOM_cte] b
68    GROUP BY  
69                b.[ComponentID]
70              , b.[ComponentDesc]
71              , b.[ProductAssemblyID]
72              , b.[BOMLevel]
73              , b.[RecursionLevel]
74              , b.[StandardCost]
75              , b.[ListPrice]
76    ORDER BY  
77                b.[BOMLevel]
78              , b.[ProductAssemblyID]
79              , b.[ComponentID]
80    OPTION(  maxrecursion 25)

Analysis Results
  Message Line Column
1 SA0035 : Text `TODO` found inside comments. 7 4
2 SA0035 : Text `HACK` found inside comments. 25 26
See Also

Other Resources