Command Line Tool – AnalyzeFiles

The command runs analysis of the T-SQL script files and generates report.

This topic contains the following sections:

 1Enlight analyzeFiles 
 2      --inputPath=<paths>
 3    [ --includeRules=<rules> ]
 4    [ --excludeRules=<rules> ]
 5    [ --reportOutput=<reportPath>]
 6    [ --reportStylesheet=<stylesheetpath>]
 7    [ --contextFile=<contextfilePath>]
 8    [ --connectionString=<connectionString> ] | [ --server=<servername> --database=<databasename> [ --user=<username>  --password=<password> ] ]
 9    [ --templateFile=<analysisTemplateFile>]
10    [ --maxAge=<maxAge>]
11    [ --settings=<settingsFile>]
12    [ --properties=propertyName=value;propertyName;value]
13    [ --includeFilesPattern=<regular expression pattern>]
14    [ --excludeFilesPattern=<regular expression pattern>]
15    [ --whitelistFile=<whitelist file>]
16    [ --exitCodeOnViolations= <exitCode>]





Required. Source directory or a response file containing a line per source file.


Pattern matching files, which to be processed by the task.


Pattern matching files, which to be excluded from the analysis.


Do not show header and copyright info.


Output verbosity level. Valid values: Normal, Quiet, Detail


SQL connection string the target context database.


Username for accessing the database.


SQL connection string.


Target database name.


Target SQL Server name and instance name.


Optional analysis context file.


Output file for the generated report.


Xml Stylesheet, which to be used for styling the report.


Analysis template with rules file, which to be used instead of the standard set of rules.


Custom properties, which to be provided to the generated report.


A comma separated list of rules, which to be enabled during the analysis.


A comma separated list of rules, which to be disabled during the analysis.


Optional whitelist file containing entries of objects that to be removed form the analysis results.


MAXimum file or database object AGE – exclude objects older than given date or time interval. When date is provided, can be any valid culture specific date time string(e.g. “2 / 16 / 2015 12:15:12 PM”).If age is provided in time interval, the valid format is “d | [d.]hh: mm[:ss]”.


A settings file which to override the current user’s settings XML file.

Build Machines edition specific parameters:




Required. License key.


Required. License data or activation response file path.


Analyze target T-SQL script files using specific analysis rules and create HTML report using provided stylesheet.

1Enlight analyzeFiles 
2        --contextFile=E:ProjectsMyProjectBuildContextAdventureWorks.xml 
3        --includeRules=design,performance,sa001,sa030,sa033 
4        --inputPath="E:ProjectsMyProjectSQL Script***.sql" 
5        --reportOutput="F:analysis reportsmy-project-analysis-report1.html"
6        --reportStylesheet="C:Program FilesYubitsoftSQL EnlightXsltSqlEnlightReport.xslt" 
7        --templateFile="c:sql enlightmy-custom-analysis-template.xml"

Analyze all `*.sql` files except the `B*.sql` files and create HTML report.

1Enlight analyzeFiles 
2        --contextFile=E:ProjectsMyProjectBuildContextAdventureWorks.xml
3        --includeRules=design,performance,sa001,sa030,sa033
4        --inputPath="E:ProjectsMyProjectSQL Script*.sql;-E:ProjectsMyProjectSQL ScriptB*.sql"
5        --reportOutput="F:analysis reportsmy-project-analysis-report1.html"
6        --reportStylesheet="C:Program FilesYubitsoftSQL EnlightXsltSqlEnlightReport.xslt"
7        --templateFile="c:sql enlightmy-custom-analysis-template.xml"

Analyze all `*.sql` with a context loaded using a database connection.

1Enlight analyzeFiles
2        --database=sqldb01
3        --includeRules=performance,sa001,sa030,sa033
4        --inputPath="E:ProjectsMyProjectSQL Script***.sql"
5        --reportOutput="f:analysis reportsmy-project-analysis-report1.html"
6        --reportStylesheet="C:Program FilesYubitsoftSQL EnlightXsltSqlEnlightReport.xslt"
7        --server=sqlsrvtesttest1

See Also

Other Resources