Command Line Tool – ImportAnalysisTemplate

The command imports analysis template from file.

This topic contains the following sections:

1Enlight importAnalysisTemplate
2      --template=<template file>
3    [ --merge=<mode>]
4    [ --enableRules=<rules>]





Required. Location of the external analysis template file.


Comma separated list of rules or groups which to be enabled after the template is imported. Use `*’ to enable all rules in the imported template or group name to enable all rules in a group.


(Default: None) Template elements which to be merged. The option value can be `all`, `rules` or `none`. Valid values: None, All, Rules.


Merge only rules from external analysis template to the current template:

1Enlight importAnalysisTemplate --merge=Rules --template=d:exported-analysis-template.xml

Merge rules and groups from external analysis template to the current template:

1Enlight importAnalysisTemplate --merge=All --template=d:exported-analysis-template.xml

Replace the current analysis template and activate a set of analysis rules and groups:

1Enlight importAnalysisTemplate --enableRules=sa0001,sa0078,sa0099,performance,design --template=d:exported-analysis-template.xml

See Also

Other Resources