SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names

The topic describes the SA0043B analysis rule.


Avoid using reserved words for type names


The rule checks the T-SQL code for creation of user defined types using a reserved word as a type name.

You should avoid using a reserved word as the name of a user-defined type because readers will have a harder time understanding your database code. You can use reserved words in SQL Server as identifiers and object names only if you use delimited identifiers.

How to fix

Review the reported types, which use reserved keywords for the type name, and consider different name for the type.


The rule has a Batch scope and is applied only on the SQL script.


Rule has no parameters.


The rule does not need Analysis Context or SQL Connection.

Effort To Fix
5 minutes per issue.

Naming Rules, Code Smells

Additional Information

There is no additional info for this rule.

Example Test SQL
 1--  keyword as a type name misuse
 2CREATE TYPE dbo.[Alter] FROM varchar(11) NOT NULL ; --  'Alter' is a reserved keyword
 3CREATE TYPE [Order] FROM varchar(11) NOT NULL ; --  'Order' is a reserved keyword
 7EXEC sp_addtype N'Alter', N'char(10)',N'not null' --  'Alter' is a reserved keyword
 8EXEC sp_addtype N'Table', N'char(10)',N'not null' --  'Table' is a reserved keyword
 9EXEC sp_addtype N'Order', N'char(10)',N'not null' --  'Order' is a reserved keyword
12EXEC sp_addtype N'', N'char(10)',N'not null' --  'Order' is a reserved keyword
15EXEC sys.sp_addtype [Alter], N'char(10)',N'not null' --  Alter is a reserved keyword
16EXEC sp_addtype dbo.[Alter], N'char(10)',N'not null' --  Alter is a reserved keyword
19EXEC sp_addtype N'AlterType', N'char(10)',N'not null'
21EXEC sp_addtype N'TableType', N'char(10)',N'not null'

Analysis Results
  Message Line Column
1 SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names. 3 16
2 SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names. 4 12
3 SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names. 8 16
4 SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names. 9 16
5 SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names. 10 16
6 SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names. 16 20
7 SA0043B : Avoid using reserved words for type names. 17 20
See Also

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